About UnTamable Essence



*However you wear your hair, Rock your AUTHENTIC look, the way you want to.

Your hairstyle of choice should reflect your AUTHENTIC self.

 Always be Original; Set Trends, Don't Follow Them!

Be You, because Being You is BEAUTIFUL* - UnTamable Essence


We are a minority owned and operated, self-started company, by His Grace! 


We thank GOD for this vision to serve in our community, in a way that assists with our "UnTamable Essence" hair care issues. It is our belief that natural products are more beneficial to the Essence of our natural hair care. Our products are made with natural ingredients, which we believe helps to embrace the history of our hair journey. 


After having numerous discussions with friends and families about the hair care issues in our communities that can often times, stem from health issues, or, the wearing of (tightly braided hairstyles, glued or sewn on weaves, wigs that tend to rub our edges out, hot combs, and other heat elements, usage of perms/relaxers, etc). I pondered on what could I do to assist my friends, family and community at large? and God whispered, "start a hair care line"; and in Faith, it is now so. 


Note: the very items that we use to "tame the essence" of our hairstyles, can be the most damaging. We do the most harm, and break down the natural essence of our hair, by not using the right products. 


I myself, have been using these very products to maintain the Untamable Essence of my own hair. Some of us at UnTamable Essence tend to wear wigs; however, make no mistake about it, our natural hair care is of an utmost importance to us.


Our mission is to continue to bring natural products that fortify the essence of our hair care! 


We thank you for entrusting us with your natural hair care!



Welcome to the UnTamable Essence Family,


Small steps in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest steps of your life!

Positive Vibes!

With GOD all things are possible 🙏🏽

In faith,

Blessings on your hair care journey


Thank you for your support, you are appreciated!

 **Special thanks to you for encouraging me to keep going forward with this endeavor. Thank you for your inspiration, insight, and continual motivation@ you’re right>>I Got This@GOD got me 🙏🏽❤️**

 One small step in the right direction can lead to be the biggest step of your life! Trust GOD🙏🏽